St. Croix Yacht Club

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Fees- Dock, Moorings, and Land Storage                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Schedule of Club Fees - 2025

Annual Fees:

            Membership Dues

       Family                                                                      $1900.00

       Individual                                                                  $950.00

       Corinthian                                                                 $250.00

       Junior                                                                       $200.00

Initiation Fee

       Family                                                                      $2680.00

       Individual                                                                 $1340.00

Other Fees:

Mail Service(package only)                                            $250.00


 Inside Lockers – Men’s Room Billed in 2 parts           $100.00/annual

    Outside Lockers (large)  Billed in 2 parts                   $300.00/annual

            Dock Slip Rent (per foot, per month)                                $8.00

            Hobie Beach Storage (per month)                                     $20.00

            Dry Dock Storage (per foot, per month)                            $6.00

            Dinghy Dock (per month)                                                  $30.00

            Dinghy Beach Storage (per month)                                  $10.00

            Daily Transient (temporary dockage)      - When available

      Slip (members)                      $15

     Slip (others)                          $25

Water (per gallon)                                                             $.25

Trailer Extension Use $10.00

The St. Croix Yacht Club is host to Member-Owned Boats of all sizes. At the SCYC, boats live on privately owned moorings in Teague Bay, in rented slips on the Tee Dock, or “on the hard” within our gated property. The SCYC offers small boat launch facilities located near the dinghy dock.

limiting boat size/weight for use of SCYC ramp and trailer extension.  Setting a 2 axle trailer limit would keep approximate GTW under #10k and keep tongue weight under #1k, which should be a reasonable limit for this extension.

  • Keel boat and one design racing takes place year round; see “Annual racing schedule” and/or “One Design”.
  • Buck Island National Monument is a favorite destination, just 3 miles from our mooring field.

Extensive on-site storage facilities are available; see schedule of fees under “Join”. These include:

  • Trailer and boat storage
  • Racks for dinghies, kayaks, Lasers, SUP and other small craft.
  • Storage lockers

All personally owned property that is stored on site must be clearly identifiable with “SCYC Property" stickers available through the office.

The Club is formed for the express purpose of promoting interest and activity in the ownership, racing and cruising of yachts and small boats; of providing a meeting place for members whose common interest lies in ships and the sea; of augmenting the recreational facilities and visitor attractions of the island; of exchange and courtesies with other yacht clubs of the United States and Caribbean islands, and of extending to visiting yachtsmen the hospitality of St. Croix.

Call or Fax Us

Office: 340-773-9531 
Fax:       888-344-8815 

Mailing Address:

St. Croix Yacht Club|
5100 Teague Bay
C'sted, St. Croix 00820

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